Our stage society is kept running by a group of dedicated committee members elected yearly by our society members at our annual general meeting held each July.
The committee looks after the overall running of the society, which involves anything from selecting future shows, producing each show, hiring sets and costumes, selecting music or creating choreography, from advertisings and marketing shows to raising funds for future productions and organising stage social events.
Your 2023-24 Hartlepool Stage Society committee is:
President – Tom Scorer
Chairman – Jill Jackson
Vice-chairman – Sarah Charlton
Secretary – Louise Parks
Treasurer – Pam Gretton
Business Manager – Jill Jackson/Sarah Charlton
Stage Manager – Peter Rowlands
Membership Secretary – Katy Scanlon
Voice Representative – Andrew Dovaston
Social Secretary – Katie Devine
Production Team – Dan Charlton, Liz Marshall